Bhakti Om Ayurveda
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
―Ayurvedic proverb

Thanks for dropping in!
My hope here is to connect with my friends and students past, present and future from all over the globe. This includes you! I will share the traditional and ancient Ayurveda wisdom that I have passionately studied for over 20 years in the US and in India!
You will also find here my occasional blog on Ayurveda, Yoga and my life!
Om Shanti

What is Ayurveda?
Science of Life
Comprised of two Sanskrit words: Ayur – “life”, Veda – “knowledge” or “science”
A holistic mind, body and spirit approach to health, Ayurveda is India’s traditional system of medicine, and is believed to be around 5,000 year old. It is considered to be the longest practiced system of medicine in the world!
Ayurveda is a science of self-healing through diet, lifestyle, yoga, meditation, breathing practices, herbs, periodic cleanses and rejuvenation.
It is simply the art of daily living in harmony with the laws of nature.
Ayurveda is very user friendly and meets the unique individual where they are at!

My Journey
Om Om!
I have been a dedicated practitioner of yoga and Ayurveda for over twenty years. Much of my studies have been in India in which I consider a second home! It is my passion to teach and empower students to understand their natural constitution and discover the gentle power of yoga and Ayurveda medicine.
I am an Ayurveda Wellness Practitioner at the 1500 hour level through Kerala Ayurveda Academy. My practice and approach to Ayurveda is simple. I love that Ayurveda meets you where you are, no matter where that is. I find that often just a few adjustments to the diet and lifestyle can be very effective. I am continuously learning about my own self and my own imbalances, especially since moving to Costa Rica!
I am a graduate in Integral Yoga through the Satchidananda Ashram and I have studied Yoga and Ayurveda with a medley of teachers in the U.S. and in India and I give thanks to them all! I am certified in Hatha, Vinyasa, Accessible and Kids Yoga.
I founded and ran my own yoga studio, Shanti Om Yoga in Staunton, Virginia and in Portland Oregon for over thirteen years combined. I've led numerous yoga retreats to India, Costa Rica and Guatemala as well as several 200 hour teacher trainings at my studio in Portland, Oregon.
I am madly in love with an orphanage in South India, Families for Children. I adore each and every child that lives there! I have supported this orphanage as much as I possibly can through Shanti Om Yoga, selling recycled yoga mat bags and spending time there doing Seva (service work) with every trip I make and every tour that I lead. Please see video below for more information on how to support the orphanage.